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Bladder Lift

The bladder is one of the two water organs in the body. It is a major waste disposal system in the body. This container collects and stores liquid from the kidneys prior to elimination. The bladder is a muscular reservoir that can expand like a balloon and holds up to two cups of fluid. The bladder actually wrings itself out, muscles start to contract at the top first. The bladder is held in position by a ‘hammock’ of supportive pelvic floor muscles. When these muscles weaken, they cannot support the bladder and the pelvis will rotate out of position. This situation will apply pressure directly on the bladder, forcing it to move downward, causing it to slip from it’s perch. This can cause leakage and incomplete draining. It is very important to keep the pelvis in alignment, especially during pregnancy.


This condition is more common in females because of a difference in anatomy. When the pelvis rotates, the wall between a woman’s bladder and vagina weakens and allows the bladder to droop into the wall of the vagina. This condition will cause discomfort and problems with emptying the bladder. This will also affect sexual function. Pregnancy, long difficult labor, child birth and large babies are the most common causes of weakened muscles. Previous pelvic surgery, heavy lifting and aging can also be a factor. After menopause, hormone levels decrease, causing muscles to weaken. Women who have a fallen bladder often experience urinary tract infections.


Kegel exercises are highly recommended. Cranberries scour and clean the inside of the bladder. Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners. Color association is orange.




  1. Test strong reference muscle.

  2. Touch bladder area. Test.

  3. When muscle unlocks, bladder has dropped.




  1. Have student lie on back with knees up.

  2. Place both hands centered at the top of the pubic bone. While student is exhaling, slowly and firmly push down, then using a “J” motion, push up towards the head. Keep fingers from sliding on the skin, but rather move the skin itself. Release slowly. Repeat 3 times. Re-test.

  3. Use thumb to deep massage reflex point one inch below the navel. This will help to strengthen the area.


Associated Conditions:


Pelvis rotation. Lower back pain. Inability to hold urine. Constant and/or painful urination. Recurring bladder infections. Kidney failure. Tipped or removed uterus. Painful intercourse. Feelings of pressure or fullness. Sensitivity to cold weather. Drinking coffee. Moaning and groaning. Lack of self confidence. Concerned about what others think. Need to be accepted. Anxiety. Impatience.

Bladder Lift Adjustment
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